domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Disfraz canadiense Canadian disguise - BAHIA SOLANO NO SE TOCA ANIMALES R.E.M.

Sábado, 26 de Marzo de 2011 09:57

TamayoEl maestro Darío Echandía fue Presidente de la República de Colombia tres veces, todas por encargo, nunca fue elegido para tal dignidad y tenía fama de perezoso, pero menos para pensar, según Alfonso López Pumarejo, quien lo nombró ministro de Gobierno.

Autorizado por la Dirección Liberal, estaba el doctor Echandía haciendo las listas para corporaciones de ese partido, cuando llegó un gamonal liberal a pedirle que incluyera en la lista por Cundinamarca a un tal Pedro Pérez.

-Hola, ¿y por qué hay que ponerlo?

-Mire Maestro, Pedro estudió en Francia e Inglaterra y sabe francés e inglés.

-Bueno, los Pielrojas americanos también saben inglés ¿y qué? Y agregó:

-Recuerden que la democracia es un orangután disfrazado de frac.

Leyendo a Ramiro Velásquez en EL COLOMBIANO del domingo en primera página y la 14 B; y el lunes pasado, página 8 A, nos dice que una firma canadiense con el pomposo nombre de REM-Prima Colombia Hardwood, apoyada por Los Delfines del Chocó, va a extraer 300.000 árboles que pueden llegar a afectar 800 mil hectáreas de la selva chocoana en Bahía Solano, contigua al Parque Nacional Natural de Utría.

Esta empresa canadiense hará una tala selectiva de árboles de madera dura como abarcos, algarrobos, chanús, guinos, sandes, choibáes, granadillos, nísperos, oquendos, guayacanes, amargos, marequendos.

La tala no va a ser de monte arrasado, sino selectivo, pero se llevarán lo mejor de las maderas duras que se han ido extinguiendo de nuestros bosques y que por tumbar los maderables de la selva tropical, tendrán que hacer trochas y carreteables para la sacada de los bloques, acabando con muchas más especies de otros árboles menos valiosos pero igualmente productores del oxígeno que tanto necesitamos. Al paso del "progreso" para enriquecer canadienses como el multimillonario Frank Giustra acabarán con especies de anfibios en vía de extinción como la rana venenosa y muchas otras especies menores de roedores, aves, reptiles, y hasta felinos que sólo habitan en esas selvas tropicales.

A estos canadienses ya les aprobaron 15 años para explotación de estos bosques. Cuenta Ramiro en su crónica que el turista y botánico español Joaquín Lozano, se preguntó enfadado: "¿Y por qué no acaban primero con sus bosques? "Porque allí está prohibido".

Si nos acordamos, la canadiense Pacific Rubiales, asociada a otra empresa canadiense, pretendió abrir una enorme mina aurífera en Santurbán, Santander, afectando gravemente el medio ambiente y los nacimientos de agua paramunos que surten a los departamentos de Norte de Santander y Santander; y si nos acordamos, la ONG Paz Canadá es asociada a una comunidad eclesial en el Urabá chocoano y antioqueño, que propenden por las oprobiosas Comunidades de Paz, adonde no pueden penetrar ni el Ejército Nacional ni la Policía y, en cambio, los narcoguerrilleros se esconden, circulan y se abastecen como en su casa.

Bonito disfraz usan los canadienses. Grandes compañías inversoras de capital para sacarnos los recursos naturales de Colombia en maderas duras, en oro, plata y otros minerales y para proteger a los enemigos del orden público, dizque para defender a las comunidades afrodescendientes que ya los desenmascararon en Curvaradó, Cacarica y Jiguamiandó.

Tenía razón Darío Echandía. "Orangutanes vestidos de frac". O de monjitas con botas de caucho.

ÑAPA : Muy bien salió la Feria Agropecuaria e Industrial de Urabá en Chigorodó. Los soldados y los policías nos dieron seguridad.

Pero si no hubieran aflojado, la guerrilla no hubiera quemado los buses que incendiaron hace tres semanas. Las comunicaciones con nuestro Ejército y con la Policía no han funcionado bien. ¿Qué nos pasa?

Por Raúl E. Tamayo Gaviria, columnista de El Colombiano


Canadian Disguise
Saturday, March 26, 2011 9:57
The maestro Dario Echandía was President of the Republic of Colombia three times, all under contract, was never elected to that dignity and was known as lazy, but less to think, as Alfonso Lopez, who appointed him Minister of Government.
Authorized by the Liberal leadership, was Dr. Echandía making corporations ready for that game, when there came a liberal gamonal to ask him to include in the list of Cundinamarca to one Pedro Pérez.
"Hey, why do you have to put it?
"Look, Teacher, Peter studied in France and England and speak French and English.
"Well, the Americans also know English Pielroja what? He added:
"Remember, democracy is an orangutan dressed in tails.
Reading Ramiro Velasquez in El Colombiano on Sunday on the first page and 14 B, and on Monday, page 8 A, tells us that a Canadian firm with the pompous name of REM-Prima Hardwood Colombia, supported by dolphins Choco will extract 300,000 trees that can affect 800 thousand hectares of rainforest in Choco Bahia Solano, adjoining the National Park of Utría.
The Canadian company will be selective logging of hardwoods such as sandals, carob, chanús, winks, Sandes, choibáes, passion fruit, persimmons, oquendos, guayacanes, bitter, marequendos.
Logging will not be swept hill, but selective, but will take the best of the hardwoods that have become extinct in our forests and that the timber cut down the rainforest, will have to make paths and carts for hauling out blocks, killing many more species of other less valuable trees but also producing much needed oxygen. By way of "progress" to enrich Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra and end up with amphibian species in danger of extinction as the poison dart frog and many other smaller species of rodents, birds, reptiles, and even cats that live only in these rainforests.
These Canadians and 15 years were approved for exploitation of these forests. Ramiro account in his chronicle that tourists and Spanish botanist Joaquín Lozano, asked angrily: "Why not finish first with its forests?" Because there is forbidden. "
If we remember, the Canadian Pacific Rubiales, associated with another Canadian company, tried to open a huge gold mine in Santurbán, Santander, seriously affecting the environment and páramo water sources that supply the departments of Norte de Santander and Santander, and if we remember, the NGO Peace Canada is associated with a church community in Urabá and Antioquia, which tend by the opprobrious peace communities, where they can not penetrate neither the Army nor the Police and instead, the narco-guerrillas hiding , circulated and supply at home.
Nice costume used by Canadians. Large capital investment companies to take out our natural resources of Colombia in hardwoods, gold, silver and other minerals and to protect the enemies of public order, supposedly to defend the communities of African descent and unmasked in Curvaradó and Jiguamiandó Cacarica .
Echandía Darius was right. "Orangutans in evening dress." Or nuns with rubber boots.
NAPA: Okay went Agricultural and Industrial Fair in Chigorodó Urabá. Soldiers and police gave us security.
But if they had not loosened, the guerrillas burned buses were burned down three weeks ago. Communications with our Army and the Police have not worked well. What happens to us?
By Raul E. Tamayo Gaviria, a columnist for El Colombiano
TamayoEl maestro Dario Echandía was President of the Republic of Colombia three times, all under contract, was never elected to that dignity and was known as lazy, but less to think, as Alfonso Lopez, who appointed him Minister of Government.
Authorized by the Liberal leadership, was Dr. Echandía making corporations ready for that game, when there came a liberal gamonal to ask him to include in the list of Cundinamarca to one Pedro Pérez.
"Hey, why do you have to put it?
"Look, Teacher, Peter studied in France and England and speak French and English.
"Well, the Americans also know English Pielroja what? He added:
"Remember, democracy is an orangutan dressed in tails.
Reading Ramiro Velasquez in El Colombiano on Sunday on the first page and 14 B, and on Monday, page 8 A, tells us that a Canadian firm with the pompous name of REM-Prima Hardwood Colombia, supported by dolphins Choco will extract 300,000 trees that can affect 800 thousand hectares of rainforest in Choco Bahia Solano, adjoining the National Park of Utría.
The Canadian company will be selective logging of hardwoods such as sandals, carob, chanús, winks, Sandes, choibáes, passion fruit, persimmons, oquendos, guayacanes, bitter, marequendos.
Logging will not be swept hill, but selective, but will take the best of the hardwoods that have become extinct in our forests and that the timber cut down the rainforest, will have to make paths and carts for hauling out blocks, killing many more species of other less valuable trees but also producing much needed oxygen. By way of "progress" to enrich Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra and end up with amphibian species in danger of extinction as the poison dart frog and many other smaller species of rodents, birds, reptiles, and even cats that live only in these rainforests.
These Canadians and 15 years were approved for exploitation of these forests. Ramiro account in his chronicle that tourists and Spanish botanist Joaquín Lozano, asked angrily: "Why not finish first with its forests?" Because there is forbidden. "
If we remember, the Canadian Pacific Rubiales, associated with another Canadian company, tried to open a huge gold mine in Santurbán, Santander, seriously affecting the environment and páramo water sources that supply the departments of Norte de Santander and Santander, and if we remember, the NGO Peace Canada is associated with a church community in Urabá and Antioquia, which tend by the opprobrious peace communities, where they can not penetrate neither the Army nor the Police and instead, the narco-guerrillas hiding , circulated and supply at home.
Nice costume used by Canadians. Large capital investment companies to take out our natural resources of Colombia in hardwoods, gold, silver and other minerals and to protect the enemies of public order, supposedly to defend the communities of African descent and unmasked in Curvaradó and Jiguamiandó Cacarica .
Echandía Darius was right. "Orangutans in evening dress." Or nuns with rubber boots.
NAPA: Okay went Agricultural and Industrial Fair in Chigorodó Urabá. Soldiers and police gave us security.
But if they had not loosened, the guerrillas burned buses were burned down three weeks ago. Communications with our Army and the Police have not worked well. What happens to us?
By Raul E. Tamayo Gaviria, a columnist for El Colombiano

2 comentarios:

  1. Por q éstos atropellos contra el medio ambiente no aparecen en los medios nacionales ?

